Book series
Biomedical Materials for Multi-functional Applications
Dear Authors/Researchers/Faculty members,
It gives me immense pleasure to invite you on behalf of Springer to submit a book proposal for inclusion in the Book Series "Biomedical Materials for Multi functional Applications". I am a joint faculty at the Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) and the Department of Biomedical Engineering, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Delhi (AIIMS Delhi) and the Book Series Editor.
About this book series
The series ‘Biomedical Materials for Multi-functional Applications’ is intended for the audience with an interest in biomaterials for various applications, including bio-implants, bio-instrumentation, biomechanics, and tissue engineering. The book titles under this series will bring different areas of biomedical engineering, bioengineering, materials science, mechanical engineering, and biosciences under one umbrella of biomedical materials. The books in this series will provide deep insights into the state- of-art of biomedical materials and deal with diverse and interdisciplinary aspects of biomaterials, ranging from basic science to host responses, as well as real-time applications. Some of the topics include but are not limited to: functional materials, smart materials, biomimetic materials, polymers, composites, ceramics, metals, alloys, and nanomaterials. This series will provide the most recent advances in biomedical materials, including design, synthesis, processing, and characterization. This series will accept both authored and edited volumes, including monographs, textbooks, reference works, and handbooks. This series aims to publish new advances in biomedical materials that have been made in the fabrication and development of biomaterials for different applications and the advancement of principles, theories, and designs. Each book title in the series will give a comprehensive overview of pioneering topics, and the readers will gain new knowledge and insights about the topic. As a collection, the series on ‘Biomedical Materials for Multi-functional Applications’ is anticipated to benefit a wide audience in academia, the research community, and industry.
I welcome you to complete the attached proposal form and contact me for further details. We provide a fast, fair and friendly proposal review, dedicated editorial guidance, high-quality production, and a dynamic international sales team.
Book Series Link: https://www.springer.com/series/17143
Book Series Editors: Prof. Arnab Chanda and Prof. Sarabjeet Singh Sidhu
Thank you in advance for your attention and interest. I hope to receive your book proposal soon.
Best Regards, Dr. Arnab Chanda Assistant Professor Centre of Biomedical Engineering, IIT Delhi Department of Biomedical Engineering, AIIMS, Delhi Hauz Khas,New Delhi-110016 Email: arnab.chanda@cbme.iitd.ac.in/arnab1232@gmail.com Phone: +91-11-2659-1086/+91-813-0089-756 Book Series Editor, Springer
Contact Details
Name: Dr. Arnab Chanda
Email: arnab.chanda@cbme.iitd.ac.in/arnab1232@gmail.com
Phone: +91-11-2659-1086/+91-813-0089-756
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