The Society for Biomaterials & Artificial Organs India (SBAOI) was formed in 1986 and registered under the Travancore-Cochin Act XII of 1955, (act for registration of literary, scientific and charitable societies) with the name Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs - India with the following objectives. This Society will not only cultivate an atmosphere nationwide for the growth of basic and technological oriented research in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs but also bring the professionals from various faculties together to improve the quality of their approach in future research. This is done by communication among all members, by developing a Society newsletter and also by arranging workshops with laboratory demonstrations, where learning and exchange of relevant concepts are stimulated every year. The Society is administered by its office bearers consisting of the President, two Vice presidents, the General Secretary and Treasurer elected from the executive committee constituted from the eligible members of the Society.