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Workshop on Recent Trends in Biofabrication: Fundamentals and Application
Monday, 27th November, 2023
Inauguration and Welcome Address
Introductory Remarks
Prof. K.K Deepak, Visiting Professor, CBME, IIT Delhi
Remarks by Guest of Honour
Dr. Sujata Mohanty, Stem Cell Research Facility, AIIMS, New Delhi
Remarks by Guest of Honour
Dr. Bhavuk Garg, Department of Orthopaedics, AIIMS, New Delhi
Keynote Address
Dr. Naresh Bhatnagar, IIT Delhi
Vote of Thanks
Tea Break
Invited Lecture
Dr. Shib Shankar Banerjee, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, IIT Delhi
Invited Lecture
Dr. Sagar Sarkar, Mechanical Department, IIT Delhi
Invited Lecture
Lunch Break
Hands-on Training
Workshop on Recent Trends in Personalized Medicine and Diagnostic
Tuesday, 28th November, 2023
Introduction to Workshop
Dr. Naveen Kumar Singh and Dr. Saran Kumar, IIT Delhi
Stem Cells and Organoids in Personalized Medicine
Dr. Deepti Abbey, Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, IIT Delhi
Microfluidics Technology for Diagnostics and Sensing
Dr. Narsing Jha, Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Delhi
Expert Talk
Ms. Sara Micό Insa, Biotron Healthcare
Tea Break
Overview of techniques used for 3D printing
Dr. Sumant Bhutoria, Founder, Alfatek Systems, Kolkata
Advancements and Challenges in development of personalized medicines
Dr. Vaishali Kilor, Associate Professor, Gurunanak College of Pharmacy, Nagpur
Conversion of technique to technology: Industrial perspective
Dr. Minal Bonde, Manager (F&D),Zim Laboratories Ltd.
Lunch Break
Bio-ceramics and Implants
Mr. Madhur Kulshrestha, TATA STEEL
Regulatory aspects in personalized medicines
Dr. Nidhi Sapkal, Professor and Industrial Consultant, Gurunanak College of Pharmacy, Nagpur
Introduction to workshop
Hands-on-training on:
- Fused Filament technique
- Bioprinting technique
- Preparation of medicine loaded ink
- Printing of medicines on films
- Biofabrication Workshop
Conducted by Cellink.
Coordinators: Sachin Kumar B, Arnab Chanda, Biswarup Mukherjee
- Biosensor and Diagnostic
Coordinators: Aarat Kalra, Naveen Kumar Singh
- Personalized medicine Workshop
Conducted by Alfatek in association with Zimlabs
Coordinators: Neetu Singh, Saran Kumar